As a writer and
published author of historically haunted locations and paranormal investigator/researcher,
I stumble across information often that pertains to my line of work, in many
aspects. Being an established student and non-biased individual in the paranormal community, it seems that the
more I search for the facts pertaining to science and how it can be associated
with paranormal phenomenon, I am regularly reminded that everything I will ever
do or be as a writer and researcher working in this field, will always be part
of a continuous learning curve of endless study. A study chalk full of science related
technologies and spiritualist ideologies that meet along a very uneven seam of
wild theories and some very unorthodox methods.
The majority
of literary people working in the field, like myself, seek out some form of
rational stigma to organize story lines for readers or curious people who find
paranormal literature fascinating. This form of writing, for entertainment or
historical value, has been around for millions of years in our everyday ghost
stories. One criterion, I often find among story tellers and paranormal enthusiast
is a genuine passion that drives them to spend long hours; writing, critiquing,
and publishing literary works of supernatural art.
The same can
be said for many paranormal investigators and researchers. Some force of
curiosity drives them to get involved in the paranormal field, perhaps a
personal experience or a need to know the truth regarding the strange and
unusual. Still the common thread between all people involved in paranormal
study, investigation or entertainment is the same, an understanding. But what
happens when that genuine experience of curiosity turns into a relentless
battle of wits and dramatics?
As the
paranormal field advances today, many forget that pioneering scientist and even
ancient prophets are still circulating in theories and ideas which are being
built upon by groups and paranormal students everywhere. Just twenty to thirty years ago,
people looked to more primitive means of trying to understand the afterlife,
bringing about the rise of psychics and Ghost Busters everywhere. Though some appear to be
genuine and have established themselves on many levels of paranormal study, the
media has turned them into a virtual three ring circus of clowns who are
willing to say and do anything to get on television. However the opposite of
that points to individuals who are legitimately gifted, to a degree and Ghost Busters who are diligently working to advance paranormal studies.
Any real physic
will admit to fault, as with human beings in general, the potential for error
is in everything we do, from walking and talking to visualizing the future or
communicating with the dead. The area of
study most intriguing with physics seems to be their ability to see, hear, feel
and understand things that the rest of the general population can or does not.
The power of observation is a vital tool in physic understanding, reading body
language, visual and other sensory cues from people is another well learned and
sometime natural ability to some. Others are blatantly obvious in their own
gestures of observation while some are nearly undetectable. But what about
those who seem to relentlessly predict situations through generalized and vague
communication? Simple minded parlor tricks are typically detected by those with
a broader intuition, but sometimes a matter of “getting to the point” seems to
be more convincing than just fishing for some cue to go off of.
A fair
amount of psychology goes into understanding the human brain and how people
interact with each other. The simple
communication of a story or experience involving a paranormal situation sparks
emotion, not just in the story teller but in those who are listening or reading
as well. This tends to provoke many emotions in those involved. Love and
longing, sadness, desperation, fear, anger, understanding, torture, anguish,
etc. are all typical emotions felt when listening to stories of paranormal
experiences even if you don’t realize it is happening. This emotional stimulation
in the nervous system can trigger all sorts of vascular, muscular and emotional
cues that some people are able to intercept and believe it or not, every man,
woman and child on the planet is capable of training their selves to detect
these cues.
physics claim to see, hear and communicate with spirits. This form of clairvoyance
is commonly refereed to as: seeing and audio clairvoyance and mediumship. To clarify; clairvoyance is a French term, which literally translates to “sees clearly”,
hence the audio terminology in audio clairvoyance, while mediumship is the
practice of communicating with the dead (typically in many forms of physical
and metaphysical forms). Some physics claim to have many of these abilities and most differ in range and frequency and can include remote viewing and even telekinesis
and telepathy. Largely, this area of physic phenomenon, is capitalized upon by frauds
and fakes, of course making it harder for more reputable physics to find a
foundation that has not all ready been tainted by a growing number of frauds.
unfortunate aspects of the paranormal community are the ridiculous number of
people selling their souls for fifteen minutes of fame on television. Ghost
shows, now days, are a dime a dozen. It seems every time you turn on the
television you can find a station relinquishing the world of demonic forces and
or flexing their paranormal pecs in an effort to “prove or disprove” a
haunting. All teams, geared toward the same goal of proving or disproving,
should have the understanding that just because you go to a location with a
haunted historical past or reports of paranormal activity, dose not, in any
way, mean you will find evidence of that claim.
The common
misconception and most often rudimentary argument between many paranormal
groups and investigators is that just because one person/team has found or
collected evidence of something potentially paranormal, it some how contradicts
another’s findings or of nothing at all. With varying techniques, methods, and
structures in teams, it’s important to understand that most teams do not function
the exact same way, and do not share the same dynamics. Also, going back to psychology, individuals and
the make up of the team can also be a factor in the methods used to collect
and prove or disprove evidence of something paranormal.
The biggest
issue today is that too many groups in the paranormal field can not disagree constructively
without being over dramatic. The field of study means just that; to study and
gather information in an effort to gain a better understanding and learn about
things we do not. Some people are more structured to do this on a level of individualism, while others work better within a group. Regardless of the method and structure, most paranormal investigators are certainly
geared toward the genuine purpose of collecting information to help better
understand their initial purpose or curiosity regarding aspects of the paranormal.
For those people reaching out, collectively and having the open mind to
understand the foundations of para-unity seem very basic and logical, but to
others, who just dwell in the para-community without the understandings of
learning, please know you are doing the science we love a great injustice.
So many
organizations go unmonitored and unchecked with the growing commercialism of paranormal
investigations. Clients of potential paranormal teams or investigators: BE ADVISED, do back ground checks on individuals within a group or team of
paranormal investigators. See if they can offer creditable references from
previous clients or locations they have investigated. This is never asking too
much from a group of well organized individuals who have your best interest at
heart. Many teams today gain a basis of education from what they see on
television and not through field experience. Good paranormal investigators, physics
and individuals involved in this field have and will provide clients with an
open line of communication, from background to understanding and the best
policy in understanding a paranormal situation means working with the client to
gain a resolution and establish a network of trust.
And the same
should pertain to paranormal investigators who are seeking clients for study.
Do your homework and interview them thoroughly. Many paranormal
groups/individuals are being taken advantage of at an alarming rate. Teams
desperate for paranormal attention seem to be begging for cases and finding
themselves involved in a case that they are not capable of handling, whether
technically, emotionally, or psychologically. There is more to paranormal
investigation than the thrill or rush of adrenaline (for you para-junkies). The
sense of community is growing in the paranormal field. With every new Facebook
or Twitter account, a new para-team is born. But the sense of unity is dying and more ideas are being stubbornly clung too like an old family heirloom that’s dilapidated
with time. Though precious and seemingly
real, sometimes it’s better to let go of those old outdated ideas and gain new
ones, again, keeping an open mind and collectiveness alive in para-unity.
Keeping a working and established organization afloat in the paranormal community is easy. Having a creditable and fundamentally appreciated organization of different views and manners of beliefs is difficult. But believing in a dignified unity of unorthodox beliefs and ideas is nearly impossible....without believing in unity itself.
Keeping a working and established organization afloat in the paranormal community is easy. Having a creditable and fundamentally appreciated organization of different views and manners of beliefs is difficult. But believing in a dignified unity of unorthodox beliefs and ideas is nearly impossible....without believing in unity itself.
Post Note: This blog is not intended to
discredit or contradict anyone in the field of paranormal investigations,
research, or study, but rather an over view of some very real and serious escalating
issues within the paranormal communities.
Organized by: Alabama Paranormal Research Team
Organized by: Alabama Paranormal Research Team